Yesterday, I had a big problem on the tube heaters. The facility has six tube heaters. These heaters are connected to the humidity controller. When the inside of the car wash facility is so humid, then the controller kicked off the heaters and the fans to ventilate the moisture. otherwise the inside kept too much moisture. Also when it is cold inside, the heaters are kicked off to make the inside warm up. If the heaters don't work properly, the equipments and the inside of the car wash get cold. then there is a high possibility for the equipments going to be dysfunctional. That is why we have to keep the inside warm.
One of the six heaters was working, the others were getting frosty on the metal panel of the front end of the heater. I couldn't figure out the problem. I had no clues at all. It looked like the natural gas does not provide to the heater to me. I guessed that I had to call the natural gas provider. on the other hand, I guessed that I should call a plumber to fix some problem on the pipes that might have.
Time passed quickly without finding a solution. It was almost 8-ish evening. I thought if I call a plumbing and heating company to ask for sending a plumber, It could be too late for them to dispatch a plumber even though I can contact them. Really I feel so miserable. If this situation is going on tonight, It is sure to have some problems in the facility tomorrow. I couldn't keep warm inside because it is 12000 sqft.
While I was trying to figure out the solution, Jinny also tried something. She was looking around the office and found a phone number of a heater maintenance person. I totally didn't know the number cause there is no need for the heating maintenance since last year. I was a little skeptical on that the person takes the phone call from me. Also there is no guarantee the person is the right person on this kind of problem.
Anyway, There is nothing to lose for me. I gave it a try. Luckily he knew this car wash. He had fixed some problems before. And he gave me an exact solution on this problem. He might have many calls from somebody else today because he went straight to diagnose the problem and why this problem happened.
Anyway, There is nothing to lose for me. I gave it a try. Luckily he knew this car wash. He had fixed some problems before. And he gave me an exact solution on this problem. He might have many calls from somebody else today because he went straight to diagnose the problem and why this problem happened.
The solution was too simple.
Scrape off the frost on the intake of fresh air for the tube heaters. the frost was blocking the airway to the heaters because It was too frosty between the last night and this morning. When the heaters tried to take in fresh air, the hole for the air was getting blocked with frosts. Finally the heater is gone because there was no air to burn.
This incident gave me quite big realization on that I have to understand a principle that an equipment works.
We don't need a full study to understand how an equipment works. We need an understanding of the principle!
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